Thursday, January 24, 2008

Officially in the 2WW

So I use Fertility Friend, which I always swore I wouldn't, and today I got confirmation of ovulation from Monday. What a mix of feelings.

I hate not knowing if we were successful, and I hate even more the fact that I won't know anything more for a week and a half.

I want to be positive about this, but all I can think of is that I was away on Saturday. Even though our chances are high, all I can focus on is that one missed day. Typical me, focusing on the one, teeny tiny probably insignificant detail.

And what if we ARE successful? Well then, here we go again. I try to convince myself that this pregnancy would be different and that I would not worry so much about the worst thing that could happen. But five months ago it never even occured to me that I would have a miscarriage. That kind of stuff doesn't happen to me. And then it did.

I can't concentrate on much else right now, which is not exactly the best thing for my job! Luckily things are really slowing down and I have no major projects on my desk.

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